Welcome my name is
Taco Roonie Theresa Perez

This site is for my wonderful mom who helps me with everything that is good in my life.

This is the story of my life.

This is a Picture of my Beautiful, wonderful, loving, patient, 
andhelpful, mom. 
I love her so much.  woof-woof !

This is a Pictre of me and my sister Little Dog Perez
 ( aka Bug-A-Boo ) 
she is a local enforcer. 

My Big Sister 
Darby Marie Perez 
at the office on Halloween

Mom & Dad

My Mom & Dad love each other and us very much. They Work together, play together, travel, and laugh alot.  Our house is full of barking and energy. Here is a picture of mom & dad attheir 20th Anniversery Dinner at Rusty Pelican Newport Beach.

The Early Roonie Years

My Brothers  Summer 2015 
Alex  & Sam 

My Car License Plate 

Hope, Happiness, Health, Love, and Abundance for all
God Bless us.